# CHG-3.0-B-creative-board
Abstract - "A distributed network doesn't work when you're 100 miles away from the nearest town. In fact, most networks do quite poorly under this circumstance! Lets help fix this."
The CHG 3.0 Architecture was created over a year ago. This is not the CHG 3.0 Architecture. The sudden explosion of new off-the-shelf blockchain tech has forced us to rethink some things. What was impossible before is now easy. What was requiring development before is now complete. And now the task is stiching together a worthy combination to make the perfect recipe for the niche. Additionally, the rapid pace of development leaves little room for hiding my files -- the future truly is bright with open source! I want to try a more open source approach for CHG 3.0 development. Lets see how it goes?
The following is just some thoughts I threw together in a few minutes. Please let me know what you think and I'll keep everyone abreast of the progress. Don't take this page too seriously (yet!) as it is always best for creativity the first time around to just write down whatever is on your mind. This ad lib creative flow is how I start off many of the projects I am really trying hard to apply maximal creative energy towards, and it is most useful early in a project to sit down and just let your brain muscle flex. Sometimes later on I will do this too, but the most useful time is right before it's time to break ground on the next project.
<B>CHG 3.0-B Repo Wish List </B> "Plan B is not Plan A harder" -Master River Raft Instructor
ETH is powerful. ETH is slow. ETH is expensive. ETH 2.0 should fix this soon? Should we keep ETH? Do we have to decide? I do not think we do. ETH is now able to live on CHG, CHG is now able to live on ETH, and many coins are now able to live in wrappers just fine in this way. Therefore, we should use some chains for speed, and some chains for security, and some chains for efficiency, and some chains for storage, and some chains for ...
These chains shouldn't all turn in their blocktimes simultaneously. They should work together to make sure the customer who is trying to check out at the counter doesn't have to wait longer than a credit card swipe. Chain A at sec. 0, then chain B at sec 3, then chain C at sec 6 and so on, reducing the wait time down to nothing without overloading the networks. This means the networks exist seperate from one another but with occassional bridges for verification.
Offline-capable transactions - Can I write you a crypto check on this old piece of paper and not worry if you don't cash it right away?
Micro-Energy consensus: POA is our special chain for CHG 2.0 because it is low power consumption. But what is better?
Hybrid nodes: Efficient nodes, or nodes which need to run off of very little power and bandwidth, do not have the luxury of unabridged verification. Even our efficient POA has run into this snag. Therefore, verification should be performed in a simpler way, then verified later on a more secure chain. A small node should behave more like a wallet with additional features, while a large node should behave more like a super computer.
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